You want to improve your wedding photos?
Then our Sphere Overlay Bundle may be just the right thing for you.
Use our overlays for sunset, fairy lights, impressive flash lights, veil shots and reflections on your Getting Ready detail photos.
With this All in one Bundle you get overlays which cover the whole wedding day from Getting Ready til party.

Introducing our Sphere Overlays
for Photoshop
We've been working on these overlays for a long time, took countless photos and improved the files. Now we are very proud to present our brandnew Sphere Overlays for Photoshop.
The extra WOW for your wedding photos
You know this, right?! You take a look at your wedding photos and there is still something missing. You want to create that certain WOW-moment, but don't know exactly how to do it.
With our Sphere Overlays we want to help you creating that extra WOW.
5 Sets in one bundle including more than 150 overlays
Getting Ready flatlays or details, sunset moments or impressive flash lights on the dance floor: Our Overlay Bundle is an all in one solution for the whole wedding day. It includes complete frames as well as single overlay elements for maximum flexibility. So it's up to you top decide how much extra WOW you want to provide to your photos.
You need Adobe Photoshop (Desktop version) or similar editing software to use the overlays. The overlays are provided as .JPG-files with a resolution of 6.000 x 4.000 pixels (300dpi).
We provide a 60 days money back guarantee for this product after purchase.
- 162 Overlays
- PDF quick manual
- Link for video instructions
Preis: 39,- Euro (+ VAT)

Set 1: Sunset & Flare Overlays
Although there might be plenty of sunset overlays out there, most of them don't provide a natural look.
With our Sunset Overlays we want to provide an authentic and natural feeling while creating a magic sunset atmosphere.
Our bundle includes 56 sunset overlays.

Set 2: Reflections
You want to create noble reflections on your Getting Ready photos, for example flatlays, accessoires, florals or decor? Our 42 Reflection Overlays will help you and provide that special something to your Getting Ready moments.

Set 3: Flash lights
Do you work with external flash lights or want to improve pre-installed dancefloor lights with a natural boost? Use our Flash light overlays to light up the dance floor.
Set 3 includes 29 overlays for the dance floor.

Set 4: Fairy Lights
A warm and cozy atmosphere, winter weddings or magical couple photos: There are countless ways to use fairy lights for photos. With our 15 fairy lights overlays you can provide even more magic to these special moments.

Set 5: Soft veils

Add a soft touch and frame to your photos with our decent veil overlays. The overlays can be used for detail shots, Getting Ready moments, veil shots and more.
Set 5 includes 20 soft veil overlays.

How to use

Step 1: Drag and drop the overlay on your photo in Photoshop.

Step 2: Choose "Screen" in the layer window for your overlay layer.

Step 3: Adjust size and position of the overlay.

Step 4: Place as many overlays as you need. You can even adjust the overlays by using the eraser/rubber-tool or changing the layer opacity.